happy thoughts o_0

ideaI recently began substitute teaching again and things have been going quite great. It seems the universe is trying to send positivity my way because there are a lot of people in my corner concerning some possible new work coming up. Although it has taken a while to get to this place, I must say it feels darn good to know that all my hard work in college will pay off. It feels even better to know that the thousands I owe in student loans might actually get paid someday. In addition to my teaching dream, I have recently decided to actively pursue my acting one. Most recently, I scheduled an audit with an acting studio, which did not end so well for me or my gas tank. I drove for nearly three hours only to find that the class had been cancelled. Typically, my negative brain would panic and tell me it was a sign, but not this time. The older I get, the more I realize that everything happens as it should and there is a reason why the audit did not happen that day. However, it does not mean that this is a sign for me to quit. After all the struggles I have faced since moving to Philadelphia and leaving my acting passion behind, a little disappointing trip is not going to ruin my positive vibes. Lately, they have been everywhere so why quit now? For all you fabulous twenty-somethings chasing dreams with a depressed bank account, please stay positive and let whatever God you believe in take that wheel.

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